tomorrow is a new day
Dear Maliyah,
Today was a rough day at school. Like yikes. With a few new changes that took place in the classroom, the change in weather, and the energy that seemed to make the kids buzz, some recess was lost and a heart to heart was very necessary.
It was one of those days where every second five new students needed me and three others were messing around. My head was spinning with each “Ms. Colander” I heard, and as more hands went in the air signaling need for help, my patience was rapidly dissipating.
The class as a whole was off kilter. Lots more talking than usual, lots more misbehavior, and lots more of me correcting them.
I was praying to have the grace and patience needed just to make it a few more hours. To smile and still respond to all of their needs with love and compassion.
With ten minutes left in the day we circled up, and I asked the question, “What can we do tomorrow to make it a better day?” Hands shot in the air as students said they needed to not distract one another, not wander in the classroom, not talk during transitions, respond to the quiet sign, and so on. They knew it had been a rough day. You could see it in their eyes. They were exhausted from the tension and buzz that had joined our classroom that day.
And I am sure you could see it in my eyes. I know I could feel it. I know the kids could sense it.
It wasn’t a feeling I liked. Not one I have very often. The feeling that I have no control over my class, that I lack the patience needed to show them who Jesus is, and that I just wanted to go home and seep.
Knowing that I could not handle this again tomorrow, and neither could they, I reminded them that tomorrow was a new day. A new day to be refreshed. A day to make different and better choices. A day to forget what happened 24 hours before, and seek out what the new day held. A day that had the potential to be nothing like the day before.
I reminded them of what an incredible class they are. What things they are good at and how much they have grown. I reminded them how much I love teaching them and spending time with them, and that despite all of my frustration today, I was looking forward to seeing them tomorrow.
Because good day or bad day, they were kiddos I loved, and I knew how capable they were of greatness.
I wish days like today never happened, but it’s life.
The truth is your life will be filled with days like today. Days where you await the moment you can crawl in bed, close your eyes, and leave the world behind. Days where your heart is broken, your patience is emptied, or your sadness is debilitating. Days where everything goes wrong, nothing gets done, or no one makes you happy. Days where you make wrong choice after wrong choice, and feel as though you have run as far away from your Father as possible.
But tomorrow is a new day.
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
This is the truth we can live by. That despite the previous day, tomorrow is a new day. An undeserved gift, and one to rejoice in.
A day that is released from the pressures of yesterday and free to be filled with greatness and joy.
Bad days have the capacity to take us down with them. To creep themselves into the following days, months, and years. They have the capability to hold on and contaminate the good days to come, and so it is up to you to change that.
Realize that while you may have the tendency to hold onto that bad day, your Father doesn’t. Whether or not you need to ask for forgiveness, be filled with patience, or have your heart softened, He is ready to do it and move on.
Just like He was today, tomorrow when the sun rises He will be there filled with grace, mercy, and love. He will be there right beside you, gifting you with His presence. Your steps will already be planned out, and your spirit will be renewed.
Tomorrow life will continue. A future ahead of you filled with joys and sorrow. Trials and tribulations. Victories and pure bliss.
Each day a day of its own. One that begins and one that ends. Some good and some bad. But all that add up to equal a life perfectly designed by Him. Intricately molded to fit your exact needs and grow you into a warrior for His kingdom and a child who will proclaim His name.
When the good days come, hold onto them and ponder them remembering His goodness, faithfulness, and surplus of blessings He has poured on your life.
And when the bad days come, pray through them, seek Him, remember how good and loving He is, and know that in just a matter of time, today will end, and a new day will begin.
All my love,